Structure of Education in Albania
Albania education system comprises of school level education and higher/tertiary level education. Here given in brief Education Structure in Albania.
School Education in Albania
School education in Albania starts with preschool that is optional and for children up to the age of 6 years. Basic education in Albania is compulsory and last for 9 years. Upon successful completion of basic education, students continue to secondary education. Secondary education in Albania is optional, but prepares students for higher education. At the end of secondary education, students must sit for
State Matura exam. Students who pass this exam are eligible for higher/tertiary education. A maturity certificate (Deftese Pjekurie) is awarded to the students who complete secondary education
Higher/Tertiary Education
Higher education in Albania is offered by universities, academies, and higher institutes or non-public higher schools. The higher education institutions in Albania offer both undergraduate and postgraduate studies.
Structure of Albanian Education
Pre-tertiary Education
Period of Compulsory Education
School Education in Albania
Preschool Education
- Ages: 0-6 years
- Nurseries: 0-3 years old
- Kindergartens: 3-6 years old
Basic Education
- Duration: 9 years
- Grades: 1 to 9
Basic Education First Cycle
- School type: Elementary School (Cikel i Ulet)
- Duration: 5 years
- Grades: 1 to 5
- Ages: 6 to 11
Basic Education Second Cycle
- School type: Lower secondary school (Cikel i Larte)
- Duration: 4 years
- Grades: 6 to 9
- Ages: 11 to 15
- Certificate awarded: Leaving Certificate (Deftese Lirimi)
Secondary Education
Secondary education in Albania is not compulsory. This educational level follows a compulsory 9-year basic education and ends with a final exam- State Matura (Matura Shteterore)
Gymnasium (Gjimnaz)
- School type: High school (Shkolle e Mesme e Pergjithshme)
- Duration: 3 years
- Grades: 9-12
- Ages: 15 to 18
- Crednetial: Maturity certificate (Deftese Pjekurie)
Prevocational Education
- School type: Vocational school (Shkolle Professionale)
- Duration: 3 years
- Ages: 15 to 18
- Credential: Certificate and certificate of vocational abilities (Deftese e perfundimit dhe Certifikate e aftesive profesionale per punetor te kualifikuar)
Secondary Vocational and Technical Education
- School type: High technical school (Shkolle Teknike)
- Duration: 5 years
- Ages: 15-20
- Credential: Certificate of professional skills for skilled worker ( Deftese e perfundimit dhe Cetifikate e aftesive profesionale per punetor te kualifikuar)
Tertiary/Higher Education
Undergraduate (Diplome/bach)
- Duration: 4-5 years
- Credential: Bachelor
Graduate (Specialization Certificate/Master’s Degree)
Postgraduate: Quaternary Education/Doctorate (Doktor)
- Duration: 3 years
- Credential: Doctor